
Friday, 16 June 2017

Danny and the three little pigs

Why the wolf is innocent

One afternoon I was  home baking a cake for my granny when I realised I needed some more sugar. In this situation I would visit my neighbours to see if the have any spare. Of course I went to visit the three little pigs because they lived nearby. As I strolled along I started to feel as sick as a parrot. I was sneezing a coughing everywhere.  

I strolled to the first house. This house was made out of straw. It didn't look that strong.Firstly I knocked on the door of the first little pig. He looked through the keyhole to see who was there. He answered in a  in polite voice saying "what do you want." I feel my request for sugar was very reasonable. I had a cold and I felt a sneeze coming. I sneezed and the house collapsed. I felt cruel. It made me feel like a tornado clearing out a city.   the poor little pig was stuck at the bottom of this disaster. Since it was lying there as dead as a cow I decided to eat it. It made me feel better but I was still sick. Don't you think this house was a bit pathetic?

The next house wasn't much better. I knocked on the door standing there unhappily waiting for an answer. Finally an answer! He answered saying what on earth  do you want! "Some sugar." "Can I please have some?" He shouted at me saying "Go away!" I felt another sneeze coming. Once again the house fell down and crushed him. This pig was also lying there peacefully. Since this pig also got crushed I ate this one as well.

I strolled along the path towards the third house. This house was much better it was made out of bricks. I was ready to get sugar when I knocked on the door but there's no answer. A few seconds later this pig replied and told me to "Get out of my property!" I felt disrespected so I walked back home but before I left another sneeze came. The greedy pig shouted some mean things about my granny. Normally I'm a calm man but when someone talks about my granny in a bad way I get angry. The inside of me felt like a volcano about to erupt. Then I tried to blow the house down because he was saying mean things. The cops came and arrested me. When I got released I was on the hunt for more sugar again.

These are my reasons why I am innocent. I didn't purposely blow their house down, I had a bad cold. If you sneezed the house would probably fall down because it was made out of straw don't you think? The only reason why I tried to blow the third house down because the pig inside was saying some nasty things about my granny. I ate the pig because it was lying there dead. It would have been a waste of food. Don't you think these reasons are good enough? This is why i'm innocent!

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Danny,
    I liked how you used punctuation to make your three little pigs sound better and make more sense it was a big help. This would be good for kids to read and understand and you could have a debate on this is the big bad wolf. bad or is the big bad wolf not it was interesting and I think lots of people will want to read it.
